The Social Identity Lab serves as the US editorial office for the journal Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (GPIR), for which Dr. Hogg and his colleague Dr. Dominic Abrams serve as foundation Editors-in-Chief. GPIR is social psychology’s highest impact journal for research on group processes and intergroup relations.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
The Social Identity Lab has a well-established and close working relationship with other labs around the world that focus on social identity and research on group processes and intergroup relations. In particular:
Dr. Amber Gaffney’s Social Identity Lab, at California Polytechnic University Humboldt in Northern California
Dr. David Rast’s Social Identity Lab, at the University of Alberta in Canada
Dr. Dominic Abrams’s Center for the Study of Group Processes, at the University of Kent in the UK
CGU’s social psychology program hosts a bi-weekly research seminar series, called the Social Socials, that brings leading social psychologists from around the world to campus to talk about their research.
Dr. Hogg’s interview at INSEAD in Fontainebleau/Paris on Intergroup Leadership
Dr. Hogg’s interview at ESMT in Berlin on “The Appeal of Extremist Groups in Times of Uncertainty”